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TimaeusSklep cena

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Cena 32.99 zł
Następne Wyatt Earp 170 – Western
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Timaeus Plato - The dialogue takes place the day after Socrates described his ideal state. In Plato's works such a discussion occurs in the Republic. Socrates feels that his description of the ideal state wasn't sufficient for the purposes of entertainment and that "I would be glad to hear some acc..

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Timaeus Plato - The dialogue takes place the day after Socrates described his ideal state. In Plato's works such a discussion occurs in the Republic. Socrates feels that his description of the ideal state wasn't sufficient for the purposes of entertainment and that


Opis: Timaeus Plato - The dialogue takes place the day after Socrates described his ideal state. In Plato's works such a discussion occurs in the Republic. Socrates feels that his description of the ideal state wasn't sufficient for the purposes of entertainment and that "I would be glad to hear some account of it engaging in transactions with other states" (19b).Hermocrates wishes to oblige Socrates and mentions that Critias knows just the account (20b) to do so. Critias proceeds to tell the story of Solon's journey to Egypt where he hears the story of Atlantis, and how Athens used to be an ideal state that subsequently waged war against Atlantis (25a). Critias believes that he is getting ahead of himself, and mentions that Timaeus will tell part of the account from the origin of the universe to man. Timaeus jest dostępny w sprzedaży w kategorii księgarnia ( E-booki ) [ E-Beletrystyka ] w cenie 32 zł i 99 gr (trzydzieści dwa złoych i dziewięćdziesiąt dziewięć groszy), Marka tego produktu jest nieznana.. Produkt jest nowy, a oferta jest dostępna na sprzedaż po kliknięciu w kup teraz lub w przycisk więcej informacji. Numer oferty : 2516576. Następna oferta to Wyatt Earp 170 – Western. Tą ofertę wyświetlono siedem razy.
Numer dostawcy44084
Ostatnia zmiana1675140788926
Numer produktu2516576
Oferta sklepuZobacz ofertę sklepu
WydawnictwoPhoemixx Classics Ebooks
Rok wydania2021
FormatEPUB, MOBI(Kindle)
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